Corporate Treasury
Corporate Treasury tends to be multi-currency, multi-entity, and intra-group with a particular emphasis on cash management, cash flow forecasting, transaction management and data integration. Debt, FX and hedging are core requirements.
STAR is a complete TMS solution for corporate treasury, covering the full treasury business process – front, mid and back office – from transaction initiation all the way through to the settlement, reconciliation and accounting entries. Combined with comprehensive risk management capabilities and reporting, it provides a complete solution for effective treasury management.
Because it comes with embedded treasury ‘best practice’, you automatically upgrade your treasury by implementing STAR TMS.
DEBT/ALM Management
Debt managers deal with many different types of short/long term loans and bonds with different drawdown, repayment, interest, discounting and fee characteristics.
Typically, debt instruments are long term with many life-cycle events to be managed, such as prepayments, terminations, interest rate switches and margin changes. STAR provides the flexibility to manage these lifecycle events.
Liability management requires the analyses of many categories of risk e.g. liquidity risk, refinancing risk and repricing risk. STAR TMS provides comprehensive risk analyses and reporting in all of these areas.
For asset/liability management, the goal is to identify how best to structure the portfolio so that costs and risks are minimised and net position optimised. ‘Cost’ and ‘risk’ have many dimensions and STAR TMS meets the need for in-depth and wide-ranging analyses and reporting. In order to provide an optimum basis for decision-making, STAR TMS provides a comprehensive range of analyses and reporting for all cash flows, asset/liability maturity structure, duration, yield curve analyses, mark-to-market (MtM) valuation and interest rate and currency composition.
Public sector debt management must take place within a framework of clear guidelines and strong controls. STAR TMS embodies internationally recognised ‘best practice’ controls for treasury management.
STAR TMS has been designed by treasurers who have been extensively involved in sovereign debt management for many years and as such it includes the functionality demanded by treasurers in various debt offices worldwide.
Cash Management
Cash management is central to treasury and STAR provides an integrated cash management solution – ‘integrated’ meaning consolidated cash flow forecasting dashboards that provide a complete view of all cash available balances and liquidity. STAR TMS has an integration engine that enables the import of other business revenue and expenditure cash flows that are not already within the TMS to enable overall cash management.
STAR TMS supports bank account integration, both file-based and internet-based corporate-to-bank (C2B) integration that can be used for various business processes such as automated payments, balance and statements uploads. Uploaded balances can be taken into cash management dashboards to give full visibility of cash and available liquidity. Our dashboards show the up-to-the-deal position with drill down to the lowest level of detail.
We can provide a multi-bank solution for optimum integrated cash management – in other words, a complete cash management solution is available.
Financial Institutions
Effective balance sheet management and ALM is critical for treasury within a financial institution and key requirements include managing liquidity, funding costs and net interest margin, as well as the ongoing flow of transactions.
Effective risk management is key to profitability and STAR TMS comes with in-depth risk capabilities including gap analyses, liquidity ladders and comprehensive limits and counterparty controls, as well as the facility to manage different ‘books’ or sub-portfolios of assets and liabilities.
STAR TMS operates on an asset/liability basis and fully supports treasury asset management, debt management and/or ALM management, together with FX and derivatives.
STAR TMS Provides:
• A significant increase in efficiency by streamlining the day-to-day tasks and routines and allowing more time for value-adding treasury.
• A straight-through-process (STP) with embedded controls and audit trail, from deal initiation to postings for the GL and final maturity.
• Data integration and consolidation, with dashboards that enable drill-down to lowest levels of detail.
• Comprehensive risk management – operational risk, credit risk, contract risk – size, maturity and tenor, interest and FX rate and liquidity.
• Dynamic dashboards that show the ‘live’ position.
• Robust, market-proven methodology and standards.
• Current mark-to-markets (MtM’s).
• A ‘Design-your-Report’ facility that enables various filters to view the data you want to see.
• Rapid analyses and ‘on-demand’ reporting, allowing a quicker, easier month-end process.
• Scenario analyses and stress testing for user-defined FX and interest rate/yield curve possibilities.
• Budget preparation and tracking.
• Ready-to-use integration features to simplify integration with ERP, payment, and bank systems.
• A flexible web-enabling system, running on market-leading Oracle© database software, that can evolve and grow to meet your future needs.
In summary, the transaction processing and analytical toolkit for more effective treasury management.
STAR TMS – Designed For Treasurers By Treasurers
We work with small, medium and large sized treasuries – size itself is not the defining characteristic; it is the significance of treasury in the overall business or organisation that justifies the need. Our belief is that even small-sized treasuries should be catered for and have access to an efficient, affordable treasury management system.

Many treasuries struggle with standalone legacy systems and spreadsheets that are an obstacle to good treasury management and actually add layers of operational risk. Our STAR TMS provides an integrated solution – all treasury transactions, business cash flows, bank accounts, cash and liquidity, market rates and prices – so that treasury can fulfil its business objectives as efficiently as possible.