For more information on STAR TMS, or our consultancy and training, contact Eddie Fogarty on [email protected]
or phone +353 1 6360000
Head Office
TMS Treasury Systems,
International House,
3 Harbourmaster Place,
IFSC Dublin 1,
Tel: +353 1 6360000
email: [email protected]
Southern Africa Office
Fikon Treasury and I.T. (Pty) Ltd.,
7 St. David’s Park,
St. David’s Place,
Parktown 2193,
South Africa.
Tel: +27 10 219 2000
email: [email protected]
Sofia Office
FTI Software,
Sopharma Business Tower (Block A),
5 Lachezar Stanchev Str.,
Sofia 1756,
Tel: +395 2 9433351
email: [email protected]